Featured : Fully 3D-Printed Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot


Update :Version 3.0 of the app is now capable of solving the cube flawlessly in a variety of lighting conditions, run after run after run, and requires no configuring whatsoever.

Download RubiksCubeRobot app version 3.0 here 

We love this new project created by O.T. Vinta, it’s perfect for Rubik’s Cube lovers, kids and students. We start to reproduce this mini robot in 30 days. We have bought all parts needed.

Fully 3D-Printed Rubik's Cube Solving Robot by otvinta3d - Thingiverse_DIY_robotic_pinter3d-one

Summary by the author

his 3D-printed Raspberry Pi-powered Rubik’s Cube solving robot has everything any serious robot does — arms, servos, gears, vision, artificial intelligence, and a task to complete. If you want to introduce robotics to your kids or your students, this is the perfect machine for it.

This one-eyed four-armed giant stands 35cm (14″) tall. 70 hours of print time and an entire spool of filament are needed to print it, not to mention over $200 worth of hardware, but once fully operational, it will surely wow your friends and neighbors. Scramble your Rubik’s cube, place it in the robot’s grippers, press a button, and then sit back and watch this amazingly smart and stunningly beautiful machine put it back together. Watch the video!

This robot is fully 3D-printable. Other that the servos, servo horns, camera, electronics and a few dozen bolts and nuts, it has no traditionally manufactured parts. Absolutely no soldering or breadboarding is required.

Link on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2471044
Author on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/otvinta3d/about

Guide / How to : http://www.otvinta.com/download12.html

Hardware Shopping List updated with direct shopping links

Q. Item + Amazon link with best price Regular Price per Item (approx.)
4 [amazon_textlink asin=’B01MU7TQV8′ text=’DS3218 Servo Motor with Horn’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’32deb679-a41e-11e7-9b64-c7f709c17ab6′]
4 [amazon_textlink asin=’B01FLHLKZ0′ text=’150 mm Servo Extension Lead, Male-to-Female’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a82b8d6d-a41e-11e7-925a-81ecb8376ec6′]
4 [amazon_textlink asin=’B0006O3WVE’ text=’Hitec HS-311 Servo Motor’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d1161970-a41e-11e7-b6c1-4d082c93305d’]
1 [amazon_textlink asin=’B01CD5VC92′ text=’Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Quad-Core’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ec426e78-a41e-11e7-b934-f380a8e53de8′] (optional)

This part is optional. The app can be run on a regular Windows 10 PC as well.
1 [amazon_textlink asin=’B007MX0ED6′ text=’Pololu Mini Maestro 12-Channel USB Servo Controller (Assembled)’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9976f1a6-a41f-11e7-97f6-876c59ba5373′]
1 USB HD 12 Megapixel Webcam

As of December 11, 2017, we recommend the “wide” webcam shown here instead of the old “round” one shown below. The wide webcam has much better color reproduction than the old one, even in poor lighting conditions. Search on eBay, Amazon, etc. for Webcam and look for this distinctive shape. Print rcr_camera_holder2.stl instead of rcr_camera_holder.stl for this camera.

1 [amazon_textlink asin=’B008GWPC1Q’ text=’USB 5 MP or 12 MP Webcam with 6 LEDs’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6491444a-a420-11e7-a5fa-7bdd81eabbc3′]

Search on eBay, Amazon, etc. for Webcam with LEDs. The camera we use was sold under the brand “HDE” but often no brand at all is mentioned. Just look for this distinctive shape. It could be bought for as low as $3.00 – $5.00.
1 [amazon_textlink asin=’B00P5P6ZBS’ text=’AC/DC adaptater 6V 3A (3000 mA) power’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’96188ecb-a420-11e7-b186-9b0a24ecb18b’]

This robot uses the SMAKN power supply adapter (shown here), with the round plug replaced by two female connectors to be plugged into the Pololu servo controller. The replacing was done by a competent technician proficient in soldering. Use a wall plug at your own risk. See the Connecting Electronics section below for more information.
1 [amazon_textlink asin=’B00YBWOMRA’ text=’Standard-Size Rubiks Cube’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’printer3d-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b14f441a-a420-11e7-bc34-dff824c5895b’]
Without this item, the robot is completely useless. We recommend the stickerless, smooth-operation variety. Our color recognition code was only tested with the standard (original) colors shown here. Please do NOT use a speed cube!
76 Metric M3-12 Phillips-head Countersunk Bolts $0.06
36 Metric M3 Nuts $0.06
9 Small 2mm Wood screws or Metric M2x8 Molts
These are to attach the HS-311 horns to the servos, and one more to attach the Pololu servo controller to the back side of the camera holder.

Total cost of Hardware (approx.): $200.00

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